Friday, May 28, 2010

Remembering on Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we remember Sgt. Mark P. Adams who gave his life for our freedom...MY freedom.

Mark, who was Mike's younger brother, had already served 4 years in the Marines and then began college. While in college, Mark assisted as a wrestling coach at his high school but still felt called to re-enlist into the Marines. You see, because of his division's rotation, Mark had not yet had the opportunity to fight in the war and wanted to go back in the Marines to fight for the cause. So, reluctantly, we said good-bye to him in September 2005.

Mark was attached with to the 2nd Marine Division. Shortly after being in Iraq, he was promoted to platoon leader. Mark's leadership with his men was evident. His men respected him because he respected them.

On October 15, 2005, while on patrol, Mark's humvee was struck by a roadside bomb. Mark had just relieved one of his Marines and was sitting in the gun turret which is the only exposed position on the humvee. He was the only one injured.

It is unusual for a platoon leader, with 30 Marines under him to take the position in the gun turret. But before Mark left for Iraq, he had told us that he would never ask his men to do something that he was not willing to do himself.

We continue to honor Mark. We think of him often. We remember his legacy. We miss him.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kerr Lake Fun and Happy Graduation Wes!

Started the weekend with a car packed full of things for the weekend. Polly and I met everyone up at the lake house.

Miriam enjoyed a little skiiing and wakeboarding(!). Yep, finally did it (though there are no pics to prove at this point.)

The Thompsons enjoyed some time on the tube as a family.

Isabelle loved watching "her" men on the water.

Happy Graduation Wes! So glad you could enjoy some time on the lake with us!

Mike got some great runs in with some great grabs!

And of course, Josh always takes things to another level!

Isabelle watching her favorite man...her daddy!
We are so blessed with friends who are easy to be with and fun to hang out with.

Thompsons and Wes, we had a blast! Are you guys free this weekend??

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pictures...that wouldn't upload earlier...

Updates from Mom’s visit

It’s been a while and she is back at home now in Guatemala. But here’s an update from Mom’s visit.

Blue and I headed down to GA for the weekend. Mike was enjoying a men’s retreat and Polly hung out with her grandmother. We got together on Friday and the girls all went into “town” to grab lunch and shop a little. We tried to catch a movie but the one we wanted to see wasn’t showing until 7:30…remember “town”, there’s only 1 movie theater and if it isn’t showing when you want to see it – tough stuff! You wait…so we chose to head back to Aunt Wrena’s to hang out and celebrate her birthday.

Saturday was filled with fun times with family. We had a cookout, including homemade ice cream! Very fun times and Mom really enjoyed seeing everyone that was there.

Sunday we went to church and Mom was asked to speak about their work and give an update. What a fun privilege to be able to share with the people who love them and pray for them diligently.

After lunch and clean-up and packing, Blue and I headed back to North Carolina. Quick and LONG trip but so worth it to see Mom while she was here.

She was able to stay for 2 weeks, mostly of it with her mom, my grandmother.