Friday, February 13, 2009

Beautiful Weather

I don't know about where you live but this past week at our house has been INCREDIBLE! We have had Spring-like weather since last weekend. The kind that makes you long for color, for budding trees, for blooming flowers, for shorts and flip flops, the kind that makes you remind yourself that it will not stay for long because the groundhog saw (or didn't see, I always forget which one it is!) his shadow and you are slated to have 6 more weeks of Winter...yeah, that kind of weather!

Well, we decided to get out and enjoy it a bit last weekend. We took the dogs up to Kerr Lake. They were able to run and play and tire themselves out! And, we were able to enjoy a little time too.

The sun was beautiful coming through the trees as we walked down to the lake.

Blue and Polly played SO much. They were constantly running over each other, jumping over logs, going up and down the banks, playing in the water...until...

Blue found the drop-off! Yep, one minute he was walking around and the next minute, no Blue! He went competely under and came up wide-eyed and kicking. After the split-second of fear that we were going to have to go in after him, we fell over laughing!

This picture of him looks like he was saying, "Why are you laughing at me? I could have drowned!"

Oh Blue, you keep us smiling and thankful that you are part of the fam!

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