I looked at the blog and realized that I never updated to say that Mom and Dad arrived in CR. They arrived around midnight (our time) on Monday night and got settled in throughout the day on Tuesday in their new home. We have been able to talk to them via Skype and Vonage this week which has been really great! Dad took me on a tour of their room last night while on Skype. I don't see how families made it when their loved ones went on the mission field years ago with no email, phone, and REALLY slow mail, if any. It is so nice to know that I can pick up the phone or sign online and talk to them. Plus, we have email and blogs. We are SO fortunate!
Mom and Dad have started school although this week wasn't too difficult with orientation and a holiday for May Day. I am sure next week will be different once homework begins. They are definitely glad that they started learning Spanish before they left so they are able to talk to people already, even though their knowledge is really limited. Feel free to check in on
their blog to see how they are doing and to see pictures of their new home in CR.
Well, we are actually going to be home this weekend! Saturday will be involve working in the yard (VERY MUCH NEEDED) and planting a small garden so we can have some fresh veggies this summer. I'll post pictures when they come in...