Don't you love it when you have something planned out and it doesn't work out...
Well, yesterday, Mike had planned to go to Charlotte and pick up some items that he had purchased. I didn't want him to go down and back by himself last night and offered to go IF we could take the dogs with us. I didn't want to leave them at home all day and all night by themselves. So, our friends offered for us to take their truck which had a back seat. After work, we headed over to our friends's house in Mike's Jeep with the trailer. On the way, a lady decided to pull out in front of us to make a left turn in front of traffic. We ended up hitting her and spinning her around in the middle of the road on what is a pretty busy road in Raleigh.
Mike's Jeep is likely totalled and her Lexus was in pretty bad shape too. Thankfully, we were all ok, including the dogs too. It was quite an experience to be in the middle of the road in 5:30 traffic on a very busy road trying to keep 2 dogs calm in the back seat. Thankfully, we had treats that I constantly fed to them. Our friends met us at the scene and took the dogs for us which was a HUGE help. We were then able to take care of things with the police and wrecker and not have to worry with them.
So, needless to say, we didn't make it to Charlotte and now we will have to get a new car! Lucky us, right?!? Funny how no one seems to win in an "accident" situation. We are SO thankful that God protected us and the dogs. Mike and I just kept talking about the things that could have happened and how amazing it was that God protected us. I am a huge advocate for seat belts for your dogs, especially after our accident. I know my family laughs at me buckling the dogs in but we were blessed that they were buckled in since it kept them safe too.
Here are a few pictures of the wreck. The sawdust on the ground was to soak up our radiator fluid that was ALL over the road...nice...