This year was our first "White Christmas". Although we were in GA over Christmas (and got snow there too!), it snowed quite a bit at our house. We got back Monday night to a winter wonderland. Polly, Blue, and I played in it a little Tuesday morning. Blue likes catching (and eating) the snowballs. Polly just likes to grab a mouthful and eat it. They both love running around in the snow! What a beautiful site, especially at Christmas!
Mike, Miriam, Baby Boy, Polly & Blue journeying through life and trusting God through it all
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Guate pics...for real...
Well, kinda...I am going the "cheater" way since I have just spent a lot of time uploading them to facebook. Even if you don't have facebook, you should be able to view the albums using the links below.
#1: All of the kids flew in together on the same flight. Mom and Dad met us at the airport and after a quick lunch at the Arkansas House, we got in the mission van to head to their house. On the way up the mountain, the van pooped out on us - literally - on the side of the road. So, we had to wait for a wrecker. Since there was no other way, we had to ride in the van on the flatbed trailer...the first of many crazy experiences of the week! After finally arriving to the house and a nice chili dinner, we crashed in bed. On Sunday, we attended Mom and Dad's church and enjoyed a nice lunch at D'Marta's (cafeteria style restaurant). But no Sunday afternoon naps...we changed clothes and jumped back in the car to head to Panahajel and Lake Atitlan!
#2: Sunday afternoon we arrived at the Pana House in Panahajel and settled in. That afternoon/evening we walked around town and took pictures with the beautiful sunset in the background. After a quick breakfast on Monday, we (Dad) got a water taxi to go to Santiago (one of the many towns around the lake). After a day of shopping and great lunch, we headed back to Pana for more afternoon shopping and ice cream. Tuesday was our ziplining day! On our way out of town, we ate at another local restaurant and then headed back to Chimaltenango to get ready for our next adventure...the Pacific!
#3: On our way back from Lake Atitlan, we stopped by Chichoy to get coffee and pies for a snack. For dinner, we went to a little place downtown that Mom and Dad like to visit. They have an open grill and the meal consists of grilled beef, grilled onions, grilled potato, tortillas and sauce. With a drink, the total cost is about $2 US.
On our way to the Pacific, we stopped at a "travel center" to get snacks and to get Stephen a pair of swim trunks. Then, before we knew it, the heat hit us! We were able to enjoy the facilities and snacks soon after arriving. Can you say "all-inclusive"??
The sand is actually volcanic ash and is black. It looks like crushed oreos and ranges from tiny grains to small pebbles. We enjoyed the ocean and the pool - and played numerous games of volleyball. As a family, we also endured the wrath of the bucket! What a fun time to get away and have some fun in the sun...especially since it was snowing at home while we were there!
#4: After the Pacific, we returned back to Chimaltenango to spend the night. We got up E.A.R.L.Y. the next morning to catch a bus in Antigua. Our day began at the base of our hike to Volcano Pacaya. This proved to be one of the most difficult things we have ever done but one of the most rewarding!
#5: After the hike to Pacaya, we came back to Antigua for lunch at McDonalds (the coolest one in the world!) and then shopping in the market. Then back to Mom and Dad's for family Christmas and packing! Wow...the week went too quick.
Sunday, we loaded up and hung out at the Arkansas House (mission house) for a little while until our flight. After a few quick pictures and teary good-byes we were on our way back to the US. Can't wait until June when Mom and Dad are back to visit for 6 months!
#1: All of the kids flew in together on the same flight. Mom and Dad met us at the airport and after a quick lunch at the Arkansas House, we got in the mission van to head to their house. On the way up the mountain, the van pooped out on us - literally - on the side of the road. So, we had to wait for a wrecker. Since there was no other way, we had to ride in the van on the flatbed trailer...the first of many crazy experiences of the week! After finally arriving to the house and a nice chili dinner, we crashed in bed. On Sunday, we attended Mom and Dad's church and enjoyed a nice lunch at D'Marta's (cafeteria style restaurant). But no Sunday afternoon naps...we changed clothes and jumped back in the car to head to Panahajel and Lake Atitlan!
#2: Sunday afternoon we arrived at the Pana House in Panahajel and settled in. That afternoon/evening we walked around town and took pictures with the beautiful sunset in the background. After a quick breakfast on Monday, we (Dad) got a water taxi to go to Santiago (one of the many towns around the lake). After a day of shopping and great lunch, we headed back to Pana for more afternoon shopping and ice cream. Tuesday was our ziplining day! On our way out of town, we ate at another local restaurant and then headed back to Chimaltenango to get ready for our next adventure...the Pacific!
#3: On our way back from Lake Atitlan, we stopped by Chichoy to get coffee and pies for a snack. For dinner, we went to a little place downtown that Mom and Dad like to visit. They have an open grill and the meal consists of grilled beef, grilled onions, grilled potato, tortillas and sauce. With a drink, the total cost is about $2 US.
On our way to the Pacific, we stopped at a "travel center" to get snacks and to get Stephen a pair of swim trunks. Then, before we knew it, the heat hit us! We were able to enjoy the facilities and snacks soon after arriving. Can you say "all-inclusive"??
The sand is actually volcanic ash and is black. It looks like crushed oreos and ranges from tiny grains to small pebbles. We enjoyed the ocean and the pool - and played numerous games of volleyball. As a family, we also endured the wrath of the bucket! What a fun time to get away and have some fun in the sun...especially since it was snowing at home while we were there!
#4: After the Pacific, we returned back to Chimaltenango to spend the night. We got up E.A.R.L.Y. the next morning to catch a bus in Antigua. Our day began at the base of our hike to Volcano Pacaya. This proved to be one of the most difficult things we have ever done but one of the most rewarding!
#5: After the hike to Pacaya, we came back to Antigua for lunch at McDonalds (the coolest one in the world!) and then shopping in the market. Then back to Mom and Dad's for family Christmas and packing! Wow...the week went too quick.
Sunday, we loaded up and hung out at the Arkansas House (mission house) for a little while until our flight. After a few quick pictures and teary good-byes we were on our way back to the US. Can't wait until June when Mom and Dad are back to visit for 6 months!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Finally...Guatemala Trip Photos! or not...
I'm hoping to get the photos from our recent family trip to Guatemala on here soon. Yes, 900+ photos is somewhat overwhelming so I'm working on a condensed version of some of the more "blog-friendly" photos.
After being gone to Guatemala, and then turning around and going to Georgia for Christmas...the time has just gotten away.
Pictures coming soon...
After being gone to Guatemala, and then turning around and going to Georgia for Christmas...the time has just gotten away.
Pictures coming soon...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
A light dusting was forecasted...
Yeah, right! We were surprised on Saturday to get almost 2 inches of snow! Combined with a fire in the fireplace, a warm drink, and a GREAT football game (WAR EAGLE!) - it was a wonderful day.
And, as nice as these pictures are and beautiful as this snow sure will be nice to head to a warmer climate this coming week!
F.A.M.I.L.Y. T.I.M.E!
I'm dreaming...
of a WARM, fun vacation to Guatemala with my family!!! After a cold week that started with snow, a few days at the Pacific and other fun places in Guatemala with my family sounds FANTASTIC! Can't wait...Saturday can't come soon enough!

Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Georgia On My Mind
Mom and Dad were asked to speak at a Mission Conference in Tennessee and decided to extend their visit for some F.A.M.I.L.Y. time!! Some friends from their old church offered to let us stay at their lake house. So, we all met last Thursday through Sunday.
We were able to just hang out, enjoy "friendly" competitions of Mexican Train and Uno, have some kid/parent time, watch Mary Margaret tell the story of Jonah and Noah, listen to Jaxon sign "God Bless America", eat some old favorites, and try some new favorites.
On Saturday, we headed to Adrian to enjoy big family time! A lot of my dad's side of the family and my mom's mom were able to be there. In addition to a HUGE table of food and desserts, we were able to finish the evening with a AU/GA game. With our family being split - AU/GA - it was a fun day of rivalry...and of course, the best team won! WAR EAGLE!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I believe in Auburn...and LOVE IT!
In recent years, I have heard interviews about some fantastic coaches that have taken coaching beyond the football field or basketball court. Coaches like Mark Richt, Roy Williams, Bobby Bowden, Tommy Tuberville, and Gene Chizik are a few that come to mind. These men have not only been ball coaches but have been mentors, encourager, supporters, and in many cases, father figures to so many that have come from single parent homes.
I love hearing about the bond between players and coaches. How, even after their college playing days are over, many stay in touch. I also love hearing how coaches stand up for their players as if they were their own children, getting fired up as if someone was attacking their own family...which, they have actually become.
Recently, such bond has been tested. Quite possibly the best football player this year, Cam Newton, has been brought into the spotlight under bogus allegations. However, the coaching staff at Auburn, led by head coach, Gene Chizik, has stood beside him and encouraged him to continue to exhibit the leadership and keep his head held high through all of this. In fact, what should be a week of interviews about a HUGE upcoming rival game has been peppered with interviews regarding the crazy allegations.
Well, enough was enough and this week, Coach Chizik stood up for his player, his team, his "son" and addressed the situation. Watch below as he defends his player in a very dignified way. THIS is a man who can put football scores aside and take time to show that he cares about his players individually and his team as a whole.
Way to go Coach Chizik! I believe in Auburn...and LOVE it!
I love hearing about the bond between players and coaches. How, even after their college playing days are over, many stay in touch. I also love hearing how coaches stand up for their players as if they were their own children, getting fired up as if someone was attacking their own family...which, they have actually become.
Recently, such bond has been tested. Quite possibly the best football player this year, Cam Newton, has been brought into the spotlight under bogus allegations. However, the coaching staff at Auburn, led by head coach, Gene Chizik, has stood beside him and encouraged him to continue to exhibit the leadership and keep his head held high through all of this. In fact, what should be a week of interviews about a HUGE upcoming rival game has been peppered with interviews regarding the crazy allegations.
Well, enough was enough and this week, Coach Chizik stood up for his player, his team, his "son" and addressed the situation. Watch below as he defends his player in a very dignified way. THIS is a man who can put football scores aside and take time to show that he cares about his players individually and his team as a whole.
Way to go Coach Chizik! I believe in Auburn...and LOVE it!
Auburn's Gene Chizik defends Cam Newton |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Remembering During a Season of Thanks
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now, let the weak say "I am strong!"
Let the poor say "I am rich!"
Because of what the Lord has done, for us.
Give thanks!
Give thanks!
Give thanks!
Giving THANKS to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
But THANKS be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57
How often do we give thanks to God for all that He has done? Do we give thanks in the good/easy times AND in the hard times?
In church on Sunday, I was reminded to look back and remember what He has done. God has brought us through so much. Sometimes when we go through a difficult time, it is easy to get stuck and not look back with a thankful heart on all that He has taken us through, not to mention to provide salvation!
Friday, October 15, 2010
5 years
A lot has happened in the past 5 years. After remembering a few things and a quick Google search this morning, I was reminded of these things.
Hurricane Katrina
George Bush begins 2nd term as 43rd President of US
Pope John Paul II dies and a new pope, Benedict XVI, is elected
Disneyland celebrates 50th birthday
Lance Armstrong wins his 7th straight Tours de France
Notable Deaths: Rosa Parks, Johnny Carson, William Rehnquist
Saddam Hussein was charged and found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging
Winter Games took place in Turin, Italy
Nintendo Wii was released
Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet
VA Tech massacre took place on April 16 - 32 students killed
Peru earthquake 8.0 - 500 dead
Nancy Pelosi becomes the 1st female speaker of US Congress (for better or worse!)
Introduction of the Apple iPhone
Minneopolis Bridge collapses into Mississippi River during rush-hour traffic
Miriam's sister, Deborah gets married
Fidel Castro steps down as President of Cuba after almost 50 years
Olympic Tourch relay begins in Olympia, Greece to promote 2008 Beijing Olympics
Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals at Beijing Olympics
Notable deaths: Charlton Heston, Paul Newman
Miriam's parents move to Costa Rica for language school
Barak Obama becomes 44th President
H1N1 outbreak
Slovakia joins EU
Balloon Boy Hoax
Plane crash on the Hudson
Guantanamo closed
Notable deaths: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze, Billy Mays, Ted Kennedy
Miriam's parents move to Chimaltenango, Guatemala
2010 Winter Olympics in Vancover and Whistler, Canada
Haiti Earthquake 7.0
Chile Earthquake 8.8
China Earthquake 6.9
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland erupts and disrupts air travel for days
Deepwater Horizon Oil platform explodes resulting in one of the largest oil spills in history
H1N1 pandemic declared over
Landslide in Oaxaca, Mexico
Notable death: Gary Coleman
Even with all of these things that have happened in the past 5 years, it seems like only yesterday that we were finding out that Mike's brother, Mark, had paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country in Iraq. What was one of the most difficult days in our lives proved to become a day that God has used in so many lives! Romans 8:28 says "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Though that day caught us by surprise, Mark's death did not catch God by surprise. God had numbered Mark's days and had prepared him for that day. And, He walked with us through those most difficult days and continues to walk with us.
We remember Mark today and are so thankful that because he had a personal relationship with Christ, he is in Heaven with God now.
Feel free to comment with your own memories of the past 5 years or of Mark and his influence in your life.

Hurricane Katrina
George Bush begins 2nd term as 43rd President of US
Pope John Paul II dies and a new pope, Benedict XVI, is elected
Disneyland celebrates 50th birthday
Lance Armstrong wins his 7th straight Tours de France
Notable Deaths: Rosa Parks, Johnny Carson, William Rehnquist
Saddam Hussein was charged and found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging
Winter Games took place in Turin, Italy
Nintendo Wii was released
Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet
VA Tech massacre took place on April 16 - 32 students killed
Peru earthquake 8.0 - 500 dead
Nancy Pelosi becomes the 1st female speaker of US Congress (for better or worse!)
Introduction of the Apple iPhone
Minneopolis Bridge collapses into Mississippi River during rush-hour traffic
Miriam's sister, Deborah gets married
Fidel Castro steps down as President of Cuba after almost 50 years
Olympic Tourch relay begins in Olympia, Greece to promote 2008 Beijing Olympics
Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals at Beijing Olympics
Notable deaths: Charlton Heston, Paul Newman
Miriam's parents move to Costa Rica for language school
Barak Obama becomes 44th President
H1N1 outbreak
Slovakia joins EU
Balloon Boy Hoax
Plane crash on the Hudson
Guantanamo closed
Notable deaths: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze, Billy Mays, Ted Kennedy
Miriam's parents move to Chimaltenango, Guatemala
2010 Winter Olympics in Vancover and Whistler, Canada
Haiti Earthquake 7.0
Chile Earthquake 8.8
China Earthquake 6.9
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland erupts and disrupts air travel for days
Deepwater Horizon Oil platform explodes resulting in one of the largest oil spills in history
H1N1 pandemic declared over
Landslide in Oaxaca, Mexico
Notable death: Gary Coleman
Even with all of these things that have happened in the past 5 years, it seems like only yesterday that we were finding out that Mike's brother, Mark, had paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country in Iraq. What was one of the most difficult days in our lives proved to become a day that God has used in so many lives! Romans 8:28 says "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Though that day caught us by surprise, Mark's death did not catch God by surprise. God had numbered Mark's days and had prepared him for that day. And, He walked with us through those most difficult days and continues to walk with us.
We remember Mark today and are so thankful that because he had a personal relationship with Christ, he is in Heaven with God now.
Feel free to comment with your own memories of the past 5 years or of Mark and his influence in your life.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Looking good so far! Auburn had another great win on Saturday night - always nice when the 'ole ball coach has a "L" for the week and Auburn has a "W"!

Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm so thankful for you and your testimony to our family. You have shown us what a man of God looks like. And, you are living it out everyday in Guatemala sharing God's love with people there. Thanks for "not growing weary in doing well."
We love you!
We had a great weekend away. First we met my brother, Stephen, for dinner. (Sorry - no pics! How did we manage that??) Then, we met Tommy and Christi and Sean in Pine Mountain where we spent the night. After breakfast at Callaway Gardens, we all headed over to Auburn University for Game Day and to meet Jim and Christy for the game.
We tailgated and were able to catch up since it had been a while since we had all seen each other. Then, headed up to the stadium for the game. The game was a first for Christy and Mike so we enjoyed the pre-game shows and found our seats - Row 1, right on the field!
What an experience to be back at a football game and enjoy all the Game Day festivities!
We were also able to go to our old church on Sunday and see some old friends. Then, Sunday afternoon, Mike and Tom re-lived the "Glory Days" at Ft. Benning. Of course, they did the obstacle courses, ropes, and a memory run up Cardiac Hill.
We said "good-bye" to them on Sunday night and then early Monday morning headed up to Scottsboro, AL to see Miriam's cousins at their camp. We were able to spend a few days there enjoying the camp and our time with them. Wednesday morning, we packed up for our L-O-N-G 9 hour trip home.
It was a fun trip, lots going on, enjoyed seeing lots of friends and old places...but we were glad to be home and see Polly and Blue!
We tailgated and were able to catch up since it had been a while since we had all seen each other. Then, headed up to the stadium for the game. The game was a first for Christy and Mike so we enjoyed the pre-game shows and found our seats - Row 1, right on the field!
What an experience to be back at a football game and enjoy all the Game Day festivities!
We were also able to go to our old church on Sunday and see some old friends. Then, Sunday afternoon, Mike and Tom re-lived the "Glory Days" at Ft. Benning. Of course, they did the obstacle courses, ropes, and a memory run up Cardiac Hill.
We said "good-bye" to them on Sunday night and then early Monday morning headed up to Scottsboro, AL to see Miriam's cousins at their camp. We were able to spend a few days there enjoying the camp and our time with them. Wednesday morning, we packed up for our L-O-N-G 9 hour trip home.
It was a fun trip, lots going on, enjoyed seeing lots of friends and old places...but we were glad to be home and see Polly and Blue!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It's that time again...
We are entering one of my favorite seasons of the year - Fall and Football. Not only do I love watching football, especially my Auburn Tigers, but there is always a promise of cooler weather, leaves changing into pretty colors, and sweaters, fleeces, and down vests! Now, don't get me wrong, I can hang at the beach and lake with the best of you...and this girl REALLY enjoys having a tan...but there is just something about that cool weather.
Can't wait to see the eagle fly around that stadium on Saturday afternoon!
And for those of you who still wonder why Auburn has a tiger, Aubie, as our mascot and has the eagle, War Eagle, at the game too - see here.
We are entering one of my favorite seasons of the year - Fall and Football. Not only do I love watching football, especially my Auburn Tigers, but there is always a promise of cooler weather, leaves changing into pretty colors, and sweaters, fleeces, and down vests! Now, don't get me wrong, I can hang at the beach and lake with the best of you...and this girl REALLY enjoys having a tan...but there is just something about that cool weather.
Can't wait to see the eagle fly around that stadium on Saturday afternoon!
And for those of you who still wonder why Auburn has a tiger, Aubie, as our mascot and has the eagle, War Eagle, at the game too - see here.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thought for the day...
Where God guides, He provides.
Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'."
Phillipians 4:19 "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A great example of giving
The video below is a short piece that our local new station did on Mike's mom, Rene'. It is easy to get caught up with what we perceive to be important, though rarely matters in the big scheme of things. It is a great reminder to us all.
Monday, July 12, 2010
7 years
It's hard to believe that around this time just 7 years ago, we were greeting guests, cutting cake, drinking punch, throwing bouquets and garters, and soon leaving for a great honeymoon that would only begin our lifetime together.
Sometimes it seems like only yesterday and then at times it is a lifetime ago...
Happy Anniversary!
Sometimes it seems like only yesterday and then at times it is a lifetime ago...
Happy Anniversary!
Yesterday, Mike surprised me with a fun spontaneous day at Topsail Island Beach. What a perfect day to be at the beach - clear skies, beautiful water, and wonderful weather. We enjoyed dinner (thanks to Mom and Dad!) at a seafood restaurant not too far away and then home late last night.
Headed somewhere tonight for dinner around Raleigh...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Another fun weekend at Kerr Lake
Mike's brother was able to visit for a week while he was on a rest break from his job in Afghanistan so we took advantage of the lake house and met there last weekend.
Below are some pictures from the weekend. If the captions cut-off, just click to open larger.
Below are some pictures from the weekend. If the captions cut-off, just click to open larger.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Remembering on Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we remember Sgt. Mark P. Adams who gave his life for our freedom...MY freedom.
Mark, who was Mike's younger brother, had already served 4 years in the Marines and then began college. While in college, Mark assisted as a wrestling coach at his high school but still felt called to re-enlist into the Marines. You see, because of his division's rotation, Mark had not yet had the opportunity to fight in the war and wanted to go back in the Marines to fight for the cause. So, reluctantly, we said good-bye to him in September 2005.
Mark was attached with to the 2nd Marine Division. Shortly after being in Iraq, he was promoted to platoon leader. Mark's leadership with his men was evident. His men respected him because he respected them.
On October 15, 2005, while on patrol, Mark's humvee was struck by a roadside bomb. Mark had just relieved one of his Marines and was sitting in the gun turret which is the only exposed position on the humvee. He was the only one injured.
It is unusual for a platoon leader, with 30 Marines under him to take the position in the gun turret. But before Mark left for Iraq, he had told us that he would never ask his men to do something that he was not willing to do himself.
We continue to honor Mark. We think of him often. We remember his legacy. We miss him.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Kerr Lake Fun and Happy Graduation Wes!
Started the weekend with a car packed full of things for the weekend. Polly and I met everyone up at the lake house.

Miriam enjoyed a little skiiing and wakeboarding(!). Yep, finally did it (though there are no pics to prove at this point.)
The Thompsons enjoyed some time on the tube as a family.
Friday, May 14, 2010
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