Monday, February 18, 2008

Down to 4! (week 8)

As soon as Polly's puppies were born, we knew that this day would come. With mixed emotions we entered the weekend knowing that at the end of it, we would only have 4 of the puppies left. Now, Monday morning, we look around and wonder how these 8 weeks have passed so quickly.
Just a couple of weeks ago, we had 8 puppies. Yes, they were a handful...but they were puppies!

One by one, they began to go. First the light blue (Dash - Ft. Bragg, NC), then the clear (Ryleigh - Raleigh, NC) on Friday night, then the red (Zora - Nashua, New Hampshire) on Saturday, and finally pink (Reagan - Durham, NC) on Sunday.

Sunday night was pretty quiet. They four that remained played together and then passed out together on Polly's bed that they have taken over. Here are a few pictures of the remaining four - green (male - better known as Frank the Tank), blue (male),
white (female) and yellow (female).

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