Friday, August 8, 2008

Puppy Playtime

So, who was supposed to be updating the blog now that they got a new camera...oops!

Well, last night, 2 of Polly's puppies came over to play with her and Blue. One looked a lot like Polly and one looked like Blue. Kind of cool to have 4 weims in the yard together. Our neighbors came out one time and did a double take. They said that they thought we just had 2! Here are a few pictures of the playtime. Not much luck getting them to stay still for a photo.

My sisters are coming to play?!?

I'll be good!

And we can get Frosty Paws for a snack later too?!

So, where are they??

Blue and Reagan
Ryleigh and Reagan and Blue
Saying hi to Mom

I remember this tree! (the puppies would run to these trees and hang out when we took them outside)

Ring around the rosie...

Polly was getting worn out. She isn't a "spring puppy" like she used to be!

Enjoying Frosty Paws for a snack after playtime - They were so tired but still enjoyed!

Boy, were they pooped out after all that fun!

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