Mike, Miriam, Baby Boy, Polly & Blue journeying through life and trusting God through it all
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Celebrating our 8th
Friday, July 29, 2011
Last Day
BUT, I have made great friends, including my BWF, Best Work Friend, Shelia. I have had COUNTLESS hours of laughter. I have enjoyed numerous lunches out with others instead of eating cold ham sandwiches by myself in the lunchroom, even though we never had an idea of where we were going until we got there. I have made many memories - including going to Durham Bulls baseball games, Chick-fil-A for Valentine's Day together with our spouses (yep!), Christmas dinners, being a part of Daycare Day at Work, Birthday surprises, three 50th birthday parties, 2 retirements, a few changes in personnel, and a Carolina Panthers football game. These things are what got me through! The friendships, the laughter, the caring for others when things were tough (like through family deaths and family issues). And, these things are what will cause me to keep in touch with these crazy people that I have worked with all these years!
Somehow, the good times always outweigh the bad. The fun memories always come to mind many more times than the tough ones. I will be forever grateful that God provided this job for me and allowed me to work with such a great group of friends.
Now, I look forward to this next phase of life that Mike and I are starting. It is fun to hear how he is now working and making these friends and memories that will hopefully last a long time! I pray that he has a great experience and that he too can look back, knowing that God provided this job for him at this particular time and be thankful for the life-long friends he has made.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Family Time
1st Annual Miller Ladies Retreat
Friday night was a meet and greet. Nothing much going on but catching up which is always a good time. Saturday morning, we met together for breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls, homemade bread, breakfast casserole, and fruit. Mom led a devotion about the majesty of God and had pictures of their past 2 years in Guate to go along with it.
After breakfast, we finished "getting ready" and headed into the big city - Asheville. On the way in, we stopped over at the Grove Park Inn to get a look at beautiful hotel and view.
We then went to grab lunch and do a little shopping at the Mast General Store.
Saturday evening was dinner by the David Miller girls (that would be my mom, sisters, and me) - we had Mom's spaghetti pie, salad, bread, and ice cream casserole. After dinner, we brought out the games and prizes! Games included Bingo, Mexican Train (which I think some people are STILL confused about!), and Uno. We all brought prizes to select from and each winner was able to choose their own gift. Some were wrapped, some were not. It was always fun to see what the winner picked as their prize!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Rush Hour
I really didn't know what to expect - all I knew was it was an indoor go cart place with go carts that go up to 35 mph! Sure, why not?
After signing our life away, getting our full helmet, neck brace and getting quick instructions about the course, we were off for our first race. It took a little getting used to as there were sharp turns and we were going pretty fast.
On the 2nd race, I was definitely in my zone and even beat the boys and had one of the fastest times of the day! Sign me up! I'm ready for another race!!
Finally, the update from the 2nd weekend visit
Saturday we had lunch at a fun favorite restaurant in Wake Forest then hung out at the house that evening. Sunday, after church, some of Mom and Dad's friends came over for a cookout, full with home-made ice cream. What better end to a hot summer day?
Monday, we went up to Mike's parents lake house. And, then watched a great 4th of July fireworks show.
Another fun weekend that went by way too fast!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
8 years...already??
Saturday, July 2, 2011
First Stop
On Friday, we enjoyed a home-cooked meal with ribs, fresh peas, sweet potatoes and corn bread. And for dessert, we took them to one of our favorite places, Yogurt Mountain.
Saturday began with a breakfast trip to Big Eds.
Then, we headed over to the NC Museum of History. Mike and I visited it sometime last year but didn't have a chance to be there long. The exhibits change periodically and this time we saw items from the NC Sports Hall of Fame, a military exhibit, and a wood working/cabinetry exhibit.
After resting for a little while...and realizing our air conditioning wasn't working and checking on that...we enjoyed dinner at another little favorite place of ours called.
We FILLED ourselves with Italian food at its finest! And then had more desserts than we could count! Needless to say, we left with a few bags of leftovers which we enjoyed for a few days afterwards.
On Sunday we went with them to Pine Ridge Baptist Church in Zebulon, NC. Mom and Dad shared a little about Guatemala and what they have been doing in Guatemala. They also shared with the church how they could be involved as well. Many people expressed how much they enjoyed Mom and Dad's talk and that it was one of the BEST missionary visits ever!