Saturday, October 18, 2008

Farm Pics and a Handsome Husband

Today, we went to Mike's family's reunion on his grandmother's side. We met together for a meal and fellowship but also went to the old farm where his grandmother grew up. A lot of the family was able to go and walk through familiar roads, telling stories and getting re-acquainted with the area.

Before we left, Mike and I went over to the "milk barn" where his grandmother milked cows. I was able to get a few shots of Mike and the barn. The barn was right next to the house and his grandmother remembers going over to it to help with the cows when she was younger.

Not only is the scenery really beautiful, but I thought the pictures of Mike were really good too! Isn't he handsome?

1 comment:

Bran said...

cool pics. it's really fun that you have stories to go along with them.