We both took 1/2 day off work and headed out to the fair on Tuesday afternoon. It was nice to get out early and enjoy the nice warm fall weather. I couldn't believe how many people were there on a Tuesday afternoon!
We walked around and enjoyed the exhibit halls most of the afternoon. Of course after seeing all of the food, we just HAD to start sampling. The pictures below are of one of our many snacks - blooming onion! Don't you just feel your heart stuggling to pump now? It sure was good though.
We ended the evening at the blacksmith shop and got fresh apple cider which is always a favorite. Then, one last purchase - cotton candy and candy apples.
We walked around and enjoyed the exhibit halls most of the afternoon. Of course after seeing all of the food, we just HAD to start sampling. The pictures below are of one of our many snacks - blooming onion! Don't you just feel your heart stuggling to pump now? It sure was good though.
We ended the evening at the blacksmith shop and got fresh apple cider which is always a favorite. Then, one last purchase - cotton candy and candy apples.

In some of the buildings there are stickers that you can pick up. Many are political stickers and you see people of both parties walking around (we were proud to see many more McCain/Palin stickers though!).
The picture below is of one of the stickers that we picked up and wore during the day. I was sure to thank Mike!

Scenes from the Fair

See any resemblence in these 2??
He looked SO soft and fury and those ears just looked so much like Blue's. I just wanted to pet him so bad! The mom cow was in the same pen and she was REALLY big so I didn't get too close.

Vicariously enjoyed that fried stuff - thanks!
Much love to you both!
yeah for taking off from work!
We hope we can see yall soon. Boo to being a grown-up with jobs and no school vacations.
I KNOW!! Except now with year-round school, there is no such thing as a long summer vacation anymore.
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