Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Precious Life...5 years young

So, you know from other posts, that I read (and get hooked on) people's stories that I don't even know through blogs or carepages. Well, a couple of years ago, I found carepages through a story on CNN about a teenage boy who had cancer.

Through his page, I found the Larsons. The Larsons have twin boys, Caden and Coleman. When Coleman was 2 1/2 years old, they received a diagnosis that would change the lives of their family, friends and many people who would never meet them. Coleman had MEDULLOBLASTOMA which resulted in a tumor the size of a tangerine embedded in his cerebellum. The Larsons decided at that moment that they would do whatever it took to help in the treatment of Coleman. So, they tried many different types of chemo, surgeries, prescriptions, etc. AND much prayer and faith in God that no matter what the outcome, God would be glorified.

I have often said that through this journey, I have seen that Coleman had more faith in God than many adults that I know. He had ongoing conversations with God. He knew that God was with him through all of the treatments, hospital stays, and times his body was hurting.

Well, this past week, God decided that it was time for Coleman's time on earth to be over. I can't help but think that God was PLEASED when Coleman entered into the gates of Heaven! And, I can't help but think of the huge smile that was on Coleman's face as he saw his new home, free from "pokes" and chemo and hospitals and hurts!

During his celebration service on Saturday, this video was shown. I couldn't help but post so you can see the picture of a precious family. If you think of them, please pray for them - Scott, Peggy and Caden. Even though their hope is in GOD and they know that they will see Coleman again, they are still sad.

To read more about their journey, go to

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