Thursday, August 18, 2011

Photo Challenge

Ok, my sister kind of talked me into doing something with my blog that was fun...apparently I am not fun enough with this blog. And, since I don't have a lot of craziness going on anymore, I thought the 30 day photo challenge would be a start.

On the side is a list of the photo challenges. I can't promise that I will go in order but that makes it more fun, right? You never know what picture will come up today.

Welp, here we go...

1) Book you've been reading - The Help

I just finished up this book last night and can't wait for the movie! It was a great and easy read. It made me wonder what I would have been like if I lived 50 years ago in Mississippi. I always enjoy books that take you there...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I hope you make it further than I did. I found the challenge to be a bit stressfull. You, however, won't have someone yelling at you every time that you don't upload something. Plus, yours looks a little more fun than mine did.